terça-feira, outubro 26, 2010

quarta-feira, outubro 20, 2010

Late Night Shift - O último Turno

                                    Oleo s/ tela

sábado, abril 24, 2010

"The Big Apple", 2010 (oil on canvas, oleo s/ tela)

"Dwelling" lye on black cloth , 2010 . (30x24cm) lixívia s/ flanela

"Gaze", 2010 - 17x24cm

"As in the circus" 2010, 30x24cm

"Let me,allow me" , 2010 - 17x24cm

"Moonlit animal through the forest", 2010 - 30x24cm

"Moonlit dwelling", 2010 - 24x30cm

"Office worker", 2010 - 17x24cm

"Riverside fireworks" 2010 - 17x24cm

"Some sort of shepherd" 2010, -17x24cm

"Thing walking", 2010 - 17x24cm